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Paint Ideas For Your Laundry Room

Paint Ideas For Your Laundry Room

If you are the main clothes washer in the home, then chances are that you spend a great deal of time in the laundry room.  Whether you are just washing clothes for one, or for ten, washing clothes can take a great deal of time and patience.  Make this chore more interesting with a laundry room that has pizzazz and a vibrant style.  Reinventing your laundry room will not make the clothes washing chore easier, but it can definitely make the experience more fun and inviting for some.

The first step to reinventing the laundry room is to choose a paint color for the walls that you find attractive.  Perhaps you want the laundry room to be sophisticated in style, maybe even something that matches the rest of your home.  If so, then neutral colors, such as yellow, creamy white, light blue, or tan may be good options for you.  

On another note, perhaps you want to create a space in your laundry room that is unlike any other room in your home.  This is easy to do, particularly in a room that isn’t the main focus for everyone.  If you are looking for a color that seems bold and bright for your laundry room, then perhaps an orange, teal, purple, or bright blue may be choices for you.

Painting the walls of a laundry room can make a significant impact on the ambiance within the room.  Additionally, you may wish to add some new baskets for holding clothes or cleaners that are easily accessible.  Perhaps a new rug for the floor, a new trash can, new clothes hangers, and even a wall hanging, or two, can enhance the beauty in the laundry room.  

Anything that you can imagine that will create a laundry space for you to enjoy and will lift your spirits, when you are trudging through the monotonous chore of washing clothes, is beneficial for you.  Be creative and have no worries, because you can always transform the laundry room back to its’ original, boring theme, if you want to, at some point.

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