Not everyone can take paint and create a masterpiece on their walls by themselves. Luckily, wallpaper provides an easy answer to this dilemma. But the last thing anyone wants is for their gorgeous wallpaper to become an eyesore.
The simplest solution is to combine the wallpaper with some painted accents, but where do you go from there? Choosing a color of paint to go with your wallpaper seems simple enough, but there are some things to keep in mind when making that choice.
Choosing a Paint Color
One important factor to consider when deciding which paint color to match with your wallpaper is whether you want your wallpaper to be the most prominent feature in your room, or if you would prefer it blend in with the rest of the room. In the former case, you will want to choose colors which contrast with your wallpaper. If your wallpaper features mostly light shades of blue, you can liven up the trim with a warmer color. This will make the wallpaper stand out against the other features of the room. On the other hand, if you would prefer your wallpaper to blend in with the rest of the room, you should use a paint which is a similar shade to the base color of the wallpaper. This will ensure that the pattern of the wallpaper does not overpower the rest of your décor, and may lend itself to allowing for more options when it comes to the furniture in your room. These color combinations can become boring to look at, however, so it might be a good idea to add accents throughout the room in some tertiary colors.
Roll the Dice
Overall, the choice of color lies with you. Don’t be afraid to be adventurous when it comes to your interior designs, however! You’d be surprised how many color combinations end up working out when combined in the right way. Now all you need is to plan out your perfect balance and get to work.
Here are some easy ways to add texture to a room by combining wallpaper and paint. For professional assistance with your residential painting projects, contact the Ft Myers painting experts from Noel Painting today for more information!