The Red Door

The Red Door

The Red Door

The holiday season is upon us once again. It is an exciting time of year for many people, as festive decorations appear on homes and businesses everywhere. If you have been thinking about a new way to decorate your home, one idea you may want to consider is repainting your front door. One truly festive and enlightened paint choice is the color RED. A red door will add a classic character to your home and will highlight your home during this holiday season, as well as in the months to come during the New Year.

If you conduct a little research, you will find many traditions associated with painting a front door the color “red.” For example, in Scotland, tradition suggests that people paint their front door red to signify they no longer have a mortgage on their home. Other people recognize the red front door as a sign of friendliness and hospitality. Some people believe a red front door helps to ward off evil spirits. A red front door may have many meanings behind it, but it could just be a perfect spot to enhance the character of your home, especially during the winter holiday season.

As you may have guessed, the paint shades of red are vast. Once you have decided to use red as your front door color choice, then you must decide which shade is going to look the best for your home and your surroundings. Are you interested in a bright, bold red paint, or do you like a dark, brick-inspired red shade the most? 

You will find many ideas once you begin looking for them. Perhaps Pinterest is your go-to website for ideas, or maybe a quick glance through some home decorating books or magazines. A trip to your local paint supply store will be a great place to pick up samples of red paint. You can take a few samples home and see which one is the best option for your home’s exterior door. 

This is the season to begin decorating and celebrating the holidays. Repainting your front door is a simple task that can be completed in a day or two, but the end result can be very impactful for your home. Painting your front door the color red is just one idea you may want to consider during this exciting time of year.

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