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Modern vs Vintage Paint

Modern vs Vintage Paint, Which Provides More Curb Appeal?

“Vintage” house paint doesn’t mean something you find on a cobwebbed shelf in the basement of an old house, loaded with old paint cans. It means paying attention to color schemes once commonly used. A cottage from the Arts and Crafts era (1880s-1910) might originally have been painted in colors typical of that style, which emphasized natural colors such as off white. If you own a house of that style, using a color scheme from that era will probably make your cottage look really good.

While popular color schemes change, the house retains its original architectural features. The same house in newly popular colors will look different, and over time may lose that relationship between architectural style and color. Repainting in vintage colors will recover that original look and flatter the house once had. It most definitely will enhance curb appeal.

Florida cities have few really old houses, but many contain neighborhoods built at specific times, and they may differ sharply from neighborhood to neighborhood. An area built in 1950s style generally would have had smaller homes using brighter colors. Applying color schemes typical of 2018 may not fit particularly well. Sometimes older structures are torn down and replaced with today’s typically much larger home in currently popular colors. The new home will look discordant in its neighborhood not just by size, but also by color.

Applying quality paint in a well-designed color palette will generally improve the curb appeal of any home. However, applying vintage paint colors to vintage homes will increase curb appeal even more. Buyers of older homes will have an image of how they should look, and vintage paint colors will appeal to that image.

Call in the professionals at Noel Painting. We know all of the problems, and well do it right. Contact us today for more information.

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